Faaker See – spomini /memories

Lansko leto sva se za vikend oddih odpravila na bližnje avstrijsko jezerce – Faaker see. Ker nisem imela časa za objavo na blogu, je sedaj čas le za obujanje spominov preko fotografij. Ne bom pozabila čudovitih razgledov, poti bosonožcev, zagrajenih privat plaž (kar nam, Slovencem, ni najbolj poznano :)), lepih gozdov in pomankanja časa, da bi oblezla vse okoliške ferate in hribe. Foto utrinki spodaj. Super vikend družinski izlet! Tudi z otroki se da videti marsikaj, od gore Opic (Affenberg) do poti bosonožcev, ki jo vodi pravljica o zmaju ipd.


Last year we went on a weekend trip in Austria. Their Faaker See is near and very beautiful. We didn’t have time to wright a blog so this is just some memories in photos. I won’t forget breathtaking views, The barefoot road in forest, private beaches with no access for tourists, nice forests and the lack of time to visit and climbing all the mountains around the lake. You can see few photos bellow – it can be a great family getaway, there is plenty things to do with children – from Monkey mountain (affenberg) to barefoot road in the forest (the red line of the road is a fairy tale about a dragon) etc. Enjoy!😉


Malta in May – day 1 (Buggiba, national aquarium)

Hey guys, it’s been a while since a posted and that’s because we were exploring Malta for the last seven days. Since there are so much photos and things that happened, I decided to write one article for each day.   We also wrote a diary, so here are our experience and impressions. 🙂


We traveled to Malta with Ryan air from Treviso (Italy) – cheap flights, on time, nothing special. The whole surprise started when we landed on Malta and meet our taxi driver. We asked him how far is the hotel and he said: “Many, many, many minutes.” And he was driving like crazy – Maltese people are driving on the left side of the road while we drive on the right. We use horns when trying to remind some driver that he made a mistake or whatever – they are using horns at every curve so they let everyone know that they are here and that they are not slowing down. 😀 It was really adventures ride, we almost caused an accident a few times. my boyfriend even threw up when we came to the hotel. 😀 But anyway, we found it interesting how different the culture can be, even we live quite close.

The same day we purchased the bus ticket “Tallinia card; explore unlimited travel”  This is the card for 21 € per person but you can drive as much as you want for 7 days. If you have the plan to see a lot of things and drive a lot with the buses, this is really cheap. When we were calculating how much would we pay for each ride, we came to conclusion that we would pay 21 € in just 2 and a half days for all the rides we had. So it is really the cheapest option for travelling Malta. 🙂


Thoughts:  Crazy drivers, bad traffic, long traveling time – we were so happy that we didn’t have the money to rent a car. 😀

2. Buggiba

We stayed in a cheap hotel in Buggiba. People were very friendly, but they don’t have the working rhythm that we have in Slovenia. They are slow, with the smile on their faces, friendly … and they do not panic or worry too much. 🙂 We could learn something from them. We went for a walk in the town – nice, calm, with a lot of mini markets, restaurants, and other amazing places. It is especially beautiful in night-time. It was also calm but they say it is very touristic and loud in the summer.

Thoughts: Their 21 degrees are so much warmer than ours! It’s not cold even at night-time, the weather is amazing! Feels just like summer. But taped water isn’t very good – they produce it from the sea water so it has a special taste.

3. Malta national aquarium

On first day we didn’t have the time to explore much so we just headed to aquarium in Buggiba – aquarium is small (When you compare it to the Genova or Barcelona aquarium) but it is very beautiful. The theme of an aquarium is Malta – its special boats Luzu’s, their sunken  ships and monuments … The entrance is 12 € per person but it is worth it.

Thoughts: We first saw The leopard shark and the zebra shark. Great! 🙂

That was day one, 6 days to go, thank you for reading! 😉



Blue poison arrow/dart frog [Zagreb ZOO, Croatia]

This animal put a spell on me – literally. It is so amazing that I could not move on … I stared at it for a long time and google it right after we came home. 🙂

This is blue poison arrow/dart frog (Dendrobates tinctorius azureu). It lives in southern Suriname, south America. Well, I found it in Croatia, in Zagreb ZOO. 🙂 And here are two photos – trough the window, ofcourse. 🙂 Beauty!