Cycling Parenzana (Italy – Slovenia – Croatia)

Hello again!

Last week we went on a bike tour wich starts in Italy (Trieste) and is lined trough Slovenia and Croatia to the city called “Poreč”. It used to be train road there in the history. You can read more about it HERE. On this official website you can also find maps and plans for the trip (either you want to cycle the path in two, three, four or five days). It is 123 km long with some amazing tunnels, bridges and viaducts.

We started cycling in Italian city called Muggia because there is a lot of traffic in Trieste so we avoided typical Italian drivers.  😛


First day we drove from Muggia (Italy) to Grožnjan (Croatia) where we slept. It is an amazing, calm, small city wich is known for its artistic residents.

In day two we made it to Poreč (Croatia). Time for a jump in the sea! 🙂 An amazing cycling trip, I recommend it to everyone! 123 kilometers, one flat tire, hundred amazing views, six tired asses, few drops of rain and a ton of laughter! 🙂


Thank you for reading. 😉 It’s a pleasure to share my adventures with you all!