Mount St. Ursula (Slovenia) – Uršlja gora


Yesterday morning we went for a hike, here in Slovenia. 🙂 Mount St. Ursula or in Slovene: Uršlja gora.  The mountain is 1699 meters high and there are several paths that leads to the top, to the gothic church called St. Ursula (the highest laying curch in Slovenia).  The mountain lies between the towns of Slovenj Gradec and Črna na Koroškem.

The trail is not hard to walk – you have harder and easier ones. We went up from “Naravske ledine” this time and it is an hour and a half to the top if you walk slowly. We were on top in 55 minutes. 🙂

The view is amazing, the weather was fantastic and the smell of spring in the air! I love hikers, they are all so friendly, optimistic, nice and they always wear a smile! 😉

12 thoughts on “Mount St. Ursula (Slovenia) – Uršlja gora

  1. Wow that view looks breathtaking! I can’t wait to visit Slovenia – Such a beautiful landscape. An hour and a half sounds like a good amount of time and it’s nice to know that all the people hiking are friendly and smile! Definitely adding this to my to do list – thanks for sharing 🙂

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  2. Pingback: Jo’s Monday walk : A Spring jaunt on Anglesey | restlessjo

  3. Scrolling through your blog is a delight for the eyes, heart and the soul itself. Such Inspiration and optipism! Commendable!
    Firstly, thankyou for coming at giving me a follow. Appreciated! That action of yours brought me to a place like this where I could sit on the computer screen and keep looking at it forever. The pictures are so beautiful, NATURE at its best. Incredible Spirit! Cheers to you!
    I would like to share with you a fact here: I have recently started to put up videos on YouTube. These are very dear to me. I would like it if you could spare some of you time and see them.
    Here’s a favorite of mine:
    Stay Beautiful/Handsome 🙂

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